It’s a hard time because of COVID-19 but the good news is people in Queensland can still go camping at the moment. According to the QLD government, there are restrictions for recreation in QLD government website (


  • Family and friends can gather and participate in indoor and outdoor activities while maintaining physical distancing (1.5 metres). This includes hiking and other recreational activities in local, state and national parks.
  • Unlimited travel and overnight stays for all of Queensland (except Biosecurity Areas or Restricted Areas).
  • Recreational travel, camping in camping grounds overnight or for multiple nights, accommodation (including caravan parks).

Caravan parks in Queensland are celebrating the fact that they are now allowed to accept leisure travelers! This means that now is the best time to start planning. Now is the time to decide whether your camper trailers need to be repaired or upgraded, it is time to start choosing the next holiday location; However, staying alert and safe is still the most important thing. Here are some great useful camping tips for you during the coronavirus:

1. Keep that in mind: the 6-foot rule still applies

Maintain social distancing, photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

The fact that you are outdoors does not mean that you should embrace that friend you have never seen. We should notice that coronavirus is spreading from person to person. If you are camping with someone who is not familiar, please keep away at least 6 feet apart. Also, don’t put away those face masks. You’ll need them because they will protect you effectively. And don’t forget to make a hygiene pack and bring it with you everywhere during your camping.

Wear masks and bring your hygiene stuff, photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

2. Keep your camp group small.

It is not the best time to share a camping experience with a group of people. Large groups not only make social distancing difficult but also many states and campgrounds limit the number of people allowed in campgrounds. It is wise to go camping with your family because it’s easy to protect yourself and make your camping safe.

3. Avoid contact sports and don’t share food

If you meet other people in the caravan parks, keep distance and make sure do the right thing and stay safe. Contact sports should be prohibited during camping because doing vigorous exercise is very dangerous and will spread the virus. Sharing food can also be a problem when you are camping, especially when traveling with larger groups. Don’t share anything that will touch your face, eyes, or mouth.

4. Be careful when you use campground facilities

Use your own facilities during camping, Star Vision Camper Trailer PX2 Kitchen

If you have a camper trailer or a caravan, please use your own toilet or shower instead of a public one. Using your own facilities will always be the safest way. In addition, be careful to use swimming pools and BBQs in the caravan park. Remember, the less contact with others, the safer. Last but not least, take care of smoke from the campfire. A large group of people sitting around the campfire will be dangerous because that smoke will make you cough and help spread the virus.

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