Enjoy a Winter Camping Trip in Victoria

From November to May each year is the most suitable time for camping in Victoria. After May, the weather in Victoria will gradually become colder. The most terrible thing is not the low temperature but the rain in winter. Winter is the rainy season in Melbourne. If you can’t adapt to the outdoor activities on rainy days, then winter camping will lose a lot of temptation. In fact, camping in winter is very interesting. For example, you can build a snowman, set up a campfire, and have a chance to see more wild animals. Walking in the winter is very charming, and the cool air is also fresher. Depending on where you go camping, the winter season means fewer people at the campsites. Sounds fun? Here are some tips to enhance your winter camping experience:

Check the weather in advance. If the weather is dry and cold, it’s suitable to start your camping. However, if it is cold ice and rain, it will have a bad effect on both your body and mind. Therefore, according to the weather conditions, you can decide carefully where to book your campsite and adjust your camping schedule.

The right bedding is very important. When choosing a tent for a winter camping adventure, the quality of the tent is crucial. You should look for an all-season tent, because they can keep the heat better, and can prevent rain and snow.

Choosing an all-season sleeping bag is also a good choice, it can provide you with the best thermal insulation effect. If you get into a cold sleeping bag, it ’s going to take a long time to warm up. Instead, do a couple of warm-up exercises before you jump in your sleeping bag to make sure you can have a warm sleep.

If you own a camper trailer, winter camping will become much easier. Turn on the air conditioner in your camper trailer, you will never feel cold anymore. The camper trailer will protect you from the wind and rain, it will be your best assistant for winter camping.

Star Vision Camper PX2
Star Vision Camper PX2 Bedding

Make sure you can have a campfire. In the blazing fire, winter camping will be more pleasant. So please research and choose a location that can actually allow you to set up a campfire. The campfire will bring you warmth and you can also easily boil water or make some food to add energy during your winter camping.

Campfire in Winter Camping
Set up a campfire during the winter camping

Bring enough gear in your pack. Prepare sufficient cold-proof clothes and choose fabrics that can block the wind, because the wind will cause the surrounding temperature to drop more than you expected. On rainy days, waterproof jackets and pants are essential to prevent rain and moisture from penetrating the clothing and making you cold. Don’t forget to bring some essential equipment, such as lighters, ropes, flashlights, and knives. Prepare well to make your camping trip smoother.

Eat up and drink up. Meals with high-fat content can help you maintain your body temperature longer, so take this opportunity to enjoy some burgers, chips, sausages, and cheese or hot chocolate around the campfire. Only in this way can you have enough energy to complete your winter camping trip.

Enjoy your winter camping

If your family and you are thinking about having a great winter camping experience, getting yourself a caravan or a camper trailer will definitely help you a lot. Contact Star Vision Campers & Caravans today by calling 1300 783 318 for more information.

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